Private and Discreet
Substance Abuse Recovery Services
Daily Drop-in Service / this program is our continuing effort to provide help to anyone seeking to recover from addiction. We have experienced staff and volunteers available 365 days a year to answer questions and act as a bridge to treatment. We also serve families that are in crisis with their loved ones who are struggling with addiction.
Self-help groups are run at PAACA on a daily basis. PAACA is open extended hours on holidays to offer assistance to individuals and families in need.
How We Can Help You

PAACA operates numerous scattered units of permanent supportive housing throughout New Bedford. The housing programs are for people in recovery who are transitioning from homelessness and are working or engaged in a training program.
PAACA provides rental subsidies to individuals and families in the program as well as supportive services designed to assist clients stabilize the emotional and financial dimensions of their lives. For more information call 508.997-9015.

PAACA Recovery Works and the Recovery Connection are enterprises designed to provide employment and training to people returning to productivity. Employment opportunities exist in the areas of Transportation, Housekeeping and Maintenance and other opportunities on an as needed basis.

The Braz/Bean Memorial Community Center collaborates with PAACA in the operation of the food pantry and recycled clothing center open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-12:30pm. The center services hundreds of families from the South Coast every month. For more information call 508-979-1737
If you are interested in volunteering with PAACA Adult Services fill out our application.
Other recovery services include:
Detox and other treatment referrals
Court monitoring
Specialty support groups
Case management services
Drug testing